Inclusivity and Sustainability on Ataúro
The Asosiasaun Turizmu Koleku Mahanak Ataúro, also known as ATKOMA, has been hard at work over the past year to ensure that the organization supports the sustainable and inclusive growth of tourism on the island. Despite a challenging year for tourism everywhere, we have taken this time to recommit ourselves to community, culture, and the environment by supporting local guide training, applying for destination sustainability certification, and ensuring that the waters of the Ombai-Wetar strait are protected for sustainable whale and dolphin watching in the future.
While Timor-Leste relies heavily on tourism for its economic development, long-term tourism success and overall economic prosperity can only be reached through stakeholder support and participation. Meanwhile, sustainability must be the guiding principle in all tourism development and management efforts in order to preserve the island’s natural resources and marine ecosystems. With that in mind, ATKOMA will work to establish a steering committee with local stakeholders, advisors, and experts to ensure marine tourism initiatives, such as whale and dolphin watching, are following all sustainability guidelines. Following ATKOMA’s submission, the Ombai Wetar Strait has been recognized as a Whale Heritage Site by the World Cetacean Alliance.

In order to meet the standards of protecting intangible cultural heritage, improving local employment opportunities, and providing education to destination guests, ATKOMA has performed rigorous sustainability checks following the Green Destinations framework.
To facilitate sustainable tourism development and mitigate negative industry impacts as much as possible, even visitors to the island are encouraged to act in socially and environmentally responsible ways. Some of the ways in which travellers can reinforce responsible tourism formation are:
- Seeking permission to visit sacred places
- Using water refill bottles and refraining from using single-use-plastic packaging
- Being mindful and respectful of local culture, traditions and dressing norms
- Staying respectful of the ocean and its inhabitants, never taking any ocean souvenirs with you
- Preparing for your trip by learning some basic phrases and understanding the historical context of this magical location
- Taking our Sustainable Traveler Pledge before visiting the island

Through collaborative, respectful and inclusive efforts we will be able to nurture the big heart of this small island for generations to enjoy. Together we can do better!
Asosiasaun Turizmu Koleku Mahanak Ataúro, koñesidu hanesan ATKOMA, servisu maka’as iha tinan hirak ikus ne’e atu assegura katak organizasaun apoia kresimentu turizmu iha Ataúro sustentável no inkluzivu. Maski tinan ida difísil ba tuirzmu iha fatin hotu-hotu, ami hodi tempu ida ne’e halo fali ami nian kompromisu ba komunidade, kultura no meiu ambiente hodi apoia treinamentu guia local, solisita sertifikasaun ba sustentabilidade destinasaun no garante katak tasi iha estreitu Ombai-Wetar hetan protesaun ba observasaun baleia no golfinu ida sustentável iha futuru.
Enkuantu Timor-Leste depende maka’s ba turizmu iha ninia dezenvolvimentu ekonomiku, susesu turizmu nian iha longu-prazu no prosperiedade ekonomiku em jeral so bele atinji liuhusi apoia no partisipasaun husi parte interesada sira. Entretantu, sustentabilidade tenki sai prinsípiu orientador iha dezenvolvimentu turizmu no esforsu jestaun hotu-hotu atu bele prezerva rekursu natural sira no ekosistema mariña Ataúro nian. Ho hanoin ida ne’e, ATKOMA sei servisu atu estabelese komisaun diretiva ida ho parte interesada local, konsultor sira, konseleiru sira, no peritu sira atu assegura katak inisiativa turizmu marítimu, hanesan observasaun baleias no golfinu tuir matadalan sustentabilidade hotu-hotu. Depois de submissaun ATKOMA nian, estreitu Ombai Wetar hetan ona rekoñesimentu husi Aliansa Mundial Cetáceu nian, hanesan Sítiu Patrimóniu Baleia nian.
Espécie mariña ida husi especie barak sira, ne’ebe mak bele hetan iha Korredor migratóriu krítiku Estreitu Ombai-Wetar nian
Atu priense padraun ba protesaun patrimôniu kultural intanjível, hadiak oportunidade ba empregu local no fornese edukasaun ba bainaka sira iha destinasaun, ATKOMA halao verifikasaun rigoroja ba sustentabilidade tuir enkuadramentu Destinasaun Verde.
Atu facilita dezenvolvimentu turizmu sustentável no mitiga impaktu negativu sira husi industria ne’e karik bele, nune’e vizitante sira ba Ataúro enkorajadu atu halo assaun iha forma responsável ba social ambiental. Maneira sira balun atu viajante sira bele reforsa formasaun turizmu ida responsável mak:
- Husu lisensa bainhira vizita fatin sagradu sira
- Uza botir/kantil be’e fatin no evita uza embalajen (kantong) plastiku nebe uza dala ida deit
- Fo atensaun no respeita kultura local, tradisaun no norma sira hatais roupa
- Respeita tasi no ninia habitante sita, nunka bele lori souvenir sira husi tasi
- Prepara an ba viajem hodi aprende frazes baziku balun no kompriende kontestu historiku husi fatin majiku ida ne’e.
- Lori ho ami nian Kompromisu Viajante Sustentável molok vizita Ataúro
Feto sira husi Boneca de Ataúro, kooperativa feto ida iha Ataúro ne’ebe mak fornese oportunidade empregu ba feto 80
Liuhusi esforsu kolaborativu, respeitozu no inkluzivu sira, ita sei bele alimenta fuan bo’ot husi Illa ki’ik ne’e ba jerasaun sira atu desfruta. Hamutuk ita bele halo diak liu!