

Bike Tours & Biking Adventure in Timor-Leste

For avid bikers, there is no greater adventure than exploring remote trails and roads with no one else around. Bike tours in Ataúro offer the perfect opportunity to tour a remote and pristine island. Options include a leisurely cycle along the coast between Beloi and Vila (30 minutes each way) or through the rugged trails between Bikeli and Iliana or Doro. Hardier and very experienced riders with their own mountain bikes can head for the hills. These full day strenuous routes with steep sections include the road up to Anartutu and a circuit of Beloi and Bikeli.

Mountain bikes can be hired from Beloi Beach Hotel and Ataúro Dive Resort, but may not be equipped for a harder ride. If you are eager to explore the island via bike, it is recommended that you either bring your own mountain bike or hire one for a week in Dili.

If biking, please advise your accommodation where you are going in case of accident/gear problems, wear a helmet, and always take water and snacks with you. Contact ATKOMA to arrange bike tours in Timor-Leste!

  • Beloi to Vila

    Follow the coastal road between Beloi and Vila and use the opportunity to check out the handicraft shops, Biojoia De Ataúro and Boneca De Ataúro at your destination!

  • Beloi to Iliana to Bikeli

    This difficult route will test your mettle, but the rewards are great reef views and the ability to explore several different villages.

  • Beloi to Bikeli

    This medium-difficulty bike route takes you along the coast, where you can observe traditional fishing and enjoy views of the ocean.

  • Beloi to Anartutu

    This challenging ride will take you through various biomes and you can enjoy scenic views in all directions.

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