The Thursday and the larger Saturday Beloi market days coincide with the midday ferry arrival from Dili. Visiting this market is the perfect welcome to Ataúro: see the smiling faces of artisans, farmers, and entrepreneurs from all over the island. Whether it be freshly caught and barbequed octopus, pomegranates grown in Akrema, baskets woven in Biqueli, or coconuts cut from our island’s plethora of palm trees, there is no better snapshot of all the beauty our island has to offer. Grab a coconut and peruse the goods we work hard to produce.
Depending on what you are looking for, we recommend timing your visit around the ferry’s arrival at about 10:30- 11:30. If you are looking for the freshest fruits and vegetables, the earlier the better. Remember: this isn’t just a tourist market. People come from all parts of Ataúro to get their groceries for the week.
Enjoy! You won’t leave empty-handed or empty-bellied!