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  • Beloi to Anartutu

Beloi to Anartutu

  • Start: Beloi town sign
  • Finish: Beloi town sign
  • Type of Bike Ride: Round-Trip
  • Distance: 31 km/19 mi
  • Time/Hours: Full day
  • Grade: Very hard; Anartutu 587m
  • Highlights: Expansive scenic views in all directions, Anartutu village and gardens, mostly dry grassland / eucalyptus savanna but also rain forest in shady areas and gullies.
  • Description: Bike north along the road (very short distance) and immediately after Barry’s Place turn left at the intersection. Follow road inland and uphill, long climb around 300m on dirt road (steep in sections). Near the top at the intersection, turn left and continue uphill going south. As you reach the top, the gradient becomes less steep and the road more undulating but still going upwards. Continue riding south towards Seumau village and then climb further eventually reaching Anartutu village. After a rest, retrace the road back to Beloi – downhill most of the way. Road condition varies with season but is challenging – some steep sections.
  • Equipment/Footwear: Mountain bikes and gear (own equipment).
  • Variants: Check out views from Adameta high point across to Alor (Indonesian Island) and down to Atekru – requires very short side trip
  • Other: Only suitable for very experienced riders. You will need to start very early to beat the heat of the day.

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