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  • Bikeli to Uaroana

Bikeli to Uaroana

  • Start: Bikeli
  • Finish: Uaroana
  • Distance: 3.5 km/2.2 mi (one way)
  • Walking Time: 1-1.5 hours
  • Difficulty: Easy at low tide, except for a few slippery rocky sections and very short climb up onto headland. High tide is more difficult due to having to climb up above the beach and wade through water at times.
  • Highlights: A shorter version of the Bikeli-Akrema hike. Uaroana is a quiet village, halfway between Bikeli and Akrema, and an excellent place to stop for a quick coconut, some souvenirs, or even to spend the night in a local homestay. The local women’s cooperative of the village, Haksolok, employs over 84 women across five groups to produce handmade products such as baskets, hats, and wood carvings. You can purchase the goods directly from the village for less than if you were to buy from Empreza Di’ak in Beloi, where the group sells most of their products. The hike from Bikeli takes about an hour, walking north along the main beach path. Continue for an hour further to reach Akrema.
  • Trail Description: From Bikeli hot water springs, start walking northwards on the rocks; hug the coastline directly along the water's edge to veer around cliff on beach and continue on the path towards Uaroana (well-marked). You will see a peninsula jutting out from the coast as you approach the village, and the first mangrove patch you will see are the Uaroana hot springs. Continue on the path leading slightly away from the coast and towards the village. When you start your hike, be sure not to go on the path from Bikeli beach that veers left and upwards; this path will take you to Iliana/Doro on the other side of the island (a hike worth doing another day!)
  • Equipment: Good walking shoes, water, sunscreen.
  • Guide: Recommended but not required.
  • Variants: You can start the hike from Beloi village, but this is not recommended as the road is hot and dusty.
  • Map Link:

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