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  • Grupu Rapim Harik

The journey to Anartuto offers a tremendous view of the mountainous landscape and far-reaching sea. Once you arrive in Anartuto, you can witness something just as spectacular in the local handicrafts, selected to represent the island’s participation in both national and international events. Grupu Rapim Hirik is among these creative groups. A group of 12 women located in the town of Anartuto, the members have passed down the skill of weaving local fabrics for generations; these creations are completely distinct from the more common weaving found elsewhere in Timor-Leste. You can watch the process of weaving from start to finish, listening to the stories about the Rapim Hirik which local people believe was the first cloth that Adam and Eve wore upon their bodies.

  • Address: Anartuto, Suco Macadadi, Atauro Island
  • Coordinator: Mana Josefa Lisboa
  • Telephone: +670 7682 5789

Contact Information

Owner / Main Contact Name
Mana Josefa Lisboa
+670 7682 5789

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