What to Do on a Weekend Away from Dili
Dili, the capital city of the Southeast Asian nation of Timor-Leste, is one of its most popular tourism destinations sitting on the North coast of the country. While the city offers wonderful opportunities to delve into Timor-Leste’s cultural & historical heritage, architecture, crafts and cuisine, some of the most breath-taking experiences for international and domestic visitors alike can be enjoyed just a short boat ride away on the island of Ataúro. Read more for what to do on a weekend away from Dili – whether expat, local, or seasoned traveler.

Ataúro, a 25km stretch of volcanic rock, is home to the most biodiverse reefs in the world, with hundreds of whales and dolphins swarming the surface of the critical clear blue waters. The destination offers world class diving, snorkeling as well as trekking and beach relaxation opportunities. Since 2000, this Southeast Asian ecotourism gem has seen great tourism development through collaboration of industry advocates joining forces and working towards a common vision for developing low-impact tourism in Timor-Leste ensuring economic support to the people of Ataúro and minimizing negative environmental as well as socio-cultural impacts.
Whether you’re on a leisurely long holiday or just have a few days to escape to this island paradise, Ataúro with its magical tropical waters, white sandy beaches and mountain ranges is just the perfect destination to visit. The island has so much to offer – everything ranging from water-based activities to hiking and cultural experiences, camping unforgettable custom day-tours, relaxing getaways and pre-planned itineraries for those seeking just a weekend away from Dili.

Here’s some hidden gems you will definitely want to visit before leaving:
- Hike the sacred mountain up to Manucoco Peak, the highest point of the island, for spectacular island views
- Take a boat tour to Akrema White Sand Beach, the safe haven for turtles and other endangered species
- Try snorkeling at the Beloi Reef and spot all 300 unique species of fish
- Meet the traditional wood carvers of Makili and ask to see their bubu’s, the community’s traditional fishing tools
- Take a relaxing break and unwind in one of Compass Diving’s brand-new vilas or with a local homestay
Don’t forget to visit the local arts and crafts markets for beautiful handmade creations such as jewelry, toys, wood carvings, pottery and so much more. Your purchase directly supports local communities and provides livelihood to more than 10’000 people island population.
To further help give back to the community and support local marine conservation efforts, a number of organizations offer volunteer opportunities on the island. ATKOMA welcomes volunteer inquiries and strives to match you with an excellent organization to make your stay on the island incredible whether you’re visiting for several days, weeks or months.
Dili, cidade kapital Timor-Leste nian, nasaun ida iha Sudeste Aziatiku, mak destinasaun ekoturizmu ida popular liu, ne’ebe haktur iha parte tasi-mane nasaun nian. Enkuantu cidade ne’e oferese oportunidade maraviloza atu hatene Timor-Leste ninia heransa kultural no historika, arkitetura, artezenatus no kulinaria, iha experiensia balun ne’ebe deslumbrante liu ba vizitante internasional no nasional sira atu desfruta mak ho viajem badak ho ro-ahi ba illa Ataúro.
Loron-matan monu ninia furak husi Adara
Ataúro, fatuk vulkaniku ho naruk 25km, mak fatin/uma ba ahu-ruin ho biodiversidade bo’ot liu iha mundu, baleias no golfiñu atus ba atus nebe hatudu an iha be’e azul leten no kritiku. Destinasaun ne’e oferese luku klase mundial, nani (snorkeling), sa’e foho no oportunidade atu halo relaksaun iha tasi-ibun. Desde tinan 2000, joia ekoturizmu iha Sudueste Aziatiku ne’e hare ona dezenvolvimentu bo’ot turizmu nian liuhusi kolaborasaun advogadu industria nian ne’ebe halibur forsa sira hotu no servisu ba diresaun vizaun komum ida ba dezenvolvimentu turizmu Timor-Leste ne’ebe iha impaktu ki’ik no assegura apoio ekonomiku ba povu Ataúro no minimiza impaktu negativu ambiental nomós sosiu-kultural.
Sekarik ita bo’ot iha ferias naruk ka iha deit loron balun deit atu eskapa mai iha illa paraizu ne’e, Ataúro ho ninia tasi tropiku majiku sira, tasi-ibun ho raihanek mutin no foho sira mak destinasaun perfeitu atu vizita. Illa ne’e iha buat barak atu oferese – buat hotu husi aktividade iha tasi to’o experiensia sa’e foho no kultura sira, kampizmu loron nian ne’ebe lahaluha, halao relaksasaun no itineraiu nebe planu ona ba sira nebe buka ses husi Dili iha fim da semana.
Homestay ida husi homestay sira iha Ataúro nebe mak simu bainaka iha Ataúro tomak
Tuir mai joia sira subar ne’ebe mak ita bo’ot sei hakarak vizita molok sai husi Ataúro:
- Sa’e ba foho sagradu Manucoco nia tutun, pontu a’as liu iha ilha Ataúro ba paisajem spektakular sira
- Sa’e ro-ahi ba Tasi-ibun Raihanek mutin Akrema nian, fatin seguru ba lenuk nomós ba spesies ameasadu sira seluk
- Koko nani (snorkeling) iha metiulun Beloi nian no fatin ba espesie uniku 300 ikan nian
- Hasoru malu ho ema koa-ahi tradisional sira husi Makili no husu atu hare’e sira ninia “bubu” ferramenta tradisional hakail ikan komunidade nian,
- Deskansa no halo relaksasaun iha vila ida foun Compass Diving nian ka iha homestay local ida
Keta haluha vizita merkadu local ba artes no artesenatu ba sasasan sira furak halo ho liman hanesan joia, brinkedu, eskultura husi ahi, seramika no selu-seluk tan. Ita nian kompra diretamente apoia komunidade local no fornese meiu subsistensia liu ema nain 10’000 iha ilha Ataúro.
Atu ajuda liu tan retribuisaun ba komunidade no apoia esforsu konservasaun mariña local, iha organizasaun lubun bo’ot oferese oportunidade voluntária iha ilha Ataúro. ATKOMA simu peskiza sira voluntária nian no esforsa atu kombina ho organizasaun exselente ida atu halo ita nian estadia iha ilha Ataúro inkrível, bainhira ita bo’ot vizita loron barak, semana ka fulan