

Ataúro may be known as an underwater paradise, but the variety of life on land, and the various routes you can take to explore it, is equally breathtaking. Whether you are visiting Ataúro for a day or several weeks, there is a hike for every kind of traveler. From leisurely beach walks to multi-day mountain treks, Ataúro provides a wide variety of gorgeous vistas and hiking opportunities. For the ocean fanatics, be sure to hike over to Adara and spend a night in Mario’s Place, where you can hover over the edge of sheer coral walls that drop off into unseen depths. For the more avid hiker, spend a day or two trekking up to Anartutu, continuing on to the sacred Manukoko Peak where you can enjoy unparalleled views of the entire island while basking in the glow of a strenuous trek.

Popular options include trekking over the hills between Beloi and Adara, visiting Makili via the coastline from Vila, and walking from either Bikeli to Akrema or Adara to Atekru. Shorter walks include to the Cave of Our Lady Mary above Vila, a scenic lookout point along the main road above Beloi, the Bikeli hot springs, and other beach and village wanders.

If you are planning a longer or multi-day hike, we recommend that you hire a local guide. Not only will this ensure your safety and security along often hard-to find-trail routes, but you can learn about the local history and culture (and perhaps a few words of Tetum!) as you walk along. If you set out alone, please advise your accommodation where you are going in case of an accident.

Hiking is best in the morning, and be sure to bring plenty of water and sunscreen as there are few places to purchase anything outside of Beloi. As Ataúro is usually very hot and sunny, mornings are best for walking and always take water.

All of the hikes listed in this section can be self-guided. However, we strongly recommend hiring a local guide for both safety reasons and to enhance your experience. Contact ATKOMA with questions or to book a local guide to accompany your hike. 

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  • Bikeli to Uaroana

    This easy, roughly hour-long coastal hike is a shorter version of the Bikeli – Akrema hike. Be sure to check out the Uaroana hot springs!

  • Bikeli to Akrema

    Explore the northeast coast of Ataúro through this day hike with the goal of reaching the white sands of Akrema.

  • Adara to Iliana/Doro

    Reach the smaller villages of Ataúro’s interior through this easy hike.

  • Adara to Atekru

    Discover the beautiful west coast of Ataúro through this hike! Whether you take the low tide or high tide route, be sure to take advantage of the snorkeling opportunities on the shore.

  • Vila to Lampian Beach

    This easy beach walk is perfect for a morning or evening stroll.

  • Vila to Cave of Our Lady Mary

    A short and steep hike, visiting the Cave is an excellent opportunity to see a unique religious structure and you may choose to do the hike early to catch an inspiring sunrise!

  • Vila to Makili

    For this medium-difficulty hike, choose between going along the coast or ascending the hills, or do both on a round-trip for a variety of views!

  • Beloi to Libadoe Fresh Water Spring

    This longer hike is perfect for nature lovers, but a guide is recommended.

  • Beloi to Anartutu

    This hike is long and challenging, with a guide recommended, but you will be rewarded by unparalleled views of Ataúro.

  • Beloi to Adara

    Crossing the island on this hike is a serious undertaking, but it’s one of the best ways to truly explore Ataúro.

  • Beloi to Arlo

    This medium-difficulty hike takes you to the small village of Arlo, which offers a very different atmosphere from the much busier Beloi.

  • Beloi to Bikeli/Beloi Overlook

    Pick either the main road or a walking trail to get to an overlook point to get a new perspective of Beloi!

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